Increasing Sales Process Efficiency Through Automation: Sell More, Do Less

August 21, 2024
  • Manual data entry and handling standard requests hinder sales reps, causing limited selling time, delays, errors, job dissatisfaction, and longer onboarding.
  • Automation leads to a 16% revenue increase, 21% market share growth, and 32% higher customer retention by eliminating rote tasks.
  • Introducing automation in areas like order management and customer support enhances efficiency and frees up time for customer engagement.
  • Automation significantly increases productivity, reduces errors, and improves customer experience through consistent support.
  • Strategic resource allocation through automation cuts costs and drives faster sales growth by enabling reps to focus on high-value accounts.
  • Automation results in higher job satisfaction as sales and customer service reps can focus on more fulfilling tasks.
  • Examples include Lansing Building Products increasing order efficiency by 10X and cutting errors by 90% with Catalyst, and a Fortune 25 distributor achieving a 4X margin recovery increase through automated pricing management. Additionally, a distributor streamlined opportunity targeting through integration, and chatbots handled basic customer inquiries, freeing support teams to address complex issues.
  • ProfitOptics offers automation solutions to grow margins, accelerate sales performance, and enhance the employee experience.

When they’re stuck plugging data into a system, retyping emailed orders, or responding to standard requests (“What’s the status of my order?”), your sales and customer service reps are held back from doing what they do best: helping the customer do their jobs better.

Manual work gets in the way of value-added work. 

The result:

  • Limited selling time
  • Delays in responding to customers
  • Errors in order processing
  • Spending time with the wrong prospects
  • Job dissatisfaction
  • Inconsistent training and longer onboarding

This is the reality of sales operations today. 

But when you remove those rote tasks from your reps’ plates, you’ll see dramatic improvements. According to Harvard Business Review, companies that execute digital transformation report significant performance improvement compared to those who stick with the status quo, including:

  • 16% increase in revenue
  • 21% increase in market share
  • 32% increase in customer retention

Sales operations include sales planning, analytics, enablement, the quote-to-cash process, order management and fulfillment, lead and opportunity management, performance management, resource allocation, customer support, and more.

Anywhere you can introduce automation into those areas means more time for the customer. According to an analysis by Distribution Strategy Group, your customer service and sales reps are key in driving customer satisfaction and retention.

Benefits of Automation to Boost Sales Process Efficiency

Distributors must increase sales process efficiency to unlock their full potential and sell more with less. The benefits of automation in sales include:

Increased productivity. Your team can save time and energy on repetitive tasks in entering and processing orders, communicating with customers, checking order status and planning sales calls.

Improved accuracy. Automation reduces the risk of human error, which translates to fewer issues on the back end. That means happier customers.

Better customer experience. Automation across sales channels can provide a more consistent experience and better support. For example, automated response systems can quickly address simpler customer requests and funnel more complicated needs to a person.

Lower costs. You can allocate your resources more strategically when you automate essential but repetitive tasks. You also rely less on the person and more on technology, which removes bottlenecks in the process and enables growth.

Improved revenues. Sales grow faster when sales reps target the right accounts and spend more time with existing ones. 

Happier employees. Sales and customer service reps will experience greater job satisfaction when they can focus more on what they enjoy.

Use Cases for Technology That Improves Sales Process Efficiency

Order Entry

Lansing Building Products’ customer service team wanted to move beyond manually entering new orders by typing data from PDFs, emails, and MTO submissions into their processing system. They implemented Catalyst, ProfitOptics’ proprietary platform. 

Catalyst automatically exchanges order details from emails, PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, and third-party systems. As a result, Lansing Building Products increased order efficiency by 10X, reduced process errors by 90%, and enhanced user experience with automation. Read more.

Sales Targeting

Taking the burden off their sales teams, one distributor worked with ProfitOptics to combine customer contracts and attributes into one system. Because the intuitive interface is integrated with, sales reps are now fed opportunities to vet and act on. Read more.


Sales reps are often on the front lines of delivering prices to customers. Automation can take that responsibility off their plates. A Fortune 25 distributor found that their selling prices needed to keep pace with inflation. So, they worked with ProfitOptics to move off spreadsheets and mass emails (which they used to communicate with more than 1,000 sales reps) and deploy our Pricing Platform. They experienced a 4X increase in margin recovery and high user adoption rates within the sales team. Read more.

Responding to Customer Inquiries

With direction, chatbots can serve as an excellent first line of defense to solve most low-level problems and pass advanced problems to the humans on your support team, who are free to focus on higher-value tasks. Read more.

Help Your Sales Team Reach Their Potential

Contact ProfitOptics today to learn how automation can grow margins, accelerate sales performance, and elevate your employees’ experience.

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